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hw6 (100 pts) upload hw.cpp to glow codebase reference solution

🟢 questions tend to be easier; I will give extensive hints (e.g. pseudocode, pointing out exactly where your bug is). 🟦 questions tend to be harder; I will give somewhat less extensive hints in person 🏴 questions tend to be hardest
a. (10 pts) 🟢 Make a texture, and then update its data (very slowly on the CPU) to match the shadertoy starter code NOTE: I will code some of this live in class.
✨ HINT uv is the texture coordinates for a given pixel Recall texture coordinates go from (0,0) in the lower left to (1,1) in the upper right. You have to do a little math to compute these yourself for each pixel. (NOTE ! Don't confuse this with NDC!--which goes from (-1,-1) to (1,1).) GLSL syntax is delightfully flexible, if also somewhat intimidating. Let's break down line 7. vec3 col = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(iTime + uv.xyx + vec3(0.0, 2.0, 4.0)); - a GLSL vec3 is three floats (very similar to snail's vec3) - 0.5 is being added to a GLSL vec3, so here it translates to V3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) in snail - for some GLSL vec3 a;, cos(a) is the same as V3(cos(a.x), cos(a.y), cos(a.z)) - iTime is the current time (i've already set up a time variable t for you); note that iTime is being added to a GLSL vec3, so in this case it translates to V3(t, t, t) in snail - uv.xyx is an example of swizzling and translates to V3(uv.x, uv.y, uv.x) in snail
b. (40 pts) 🟢 Put a skybox on the fps camera's head. Add some islands and an ocean surface (Creative Coding) NOTE!: LOOK AT THIS PICTURE c. (50 pts) Implement a software rasterizer. I have broken the development down into a (suggested) series of steps. You will be graded on how far you got (e.g. if you have NDC color interpolation, you also score points for the single solid color version (regardless of whether you actually implemented it)). NOTE: Ignore the clip2 and clip1 examples to start... - (20 pts) 🟢 draw the triangles in a single solid color (e.g., blue) NOTE: the cycle and tilt examples should show up on the film plane - (5 pts) 🟢 NDC color interpolation (perspective-_incorrect_ interpolation; interpolate with NDC barycentric weights) NOTE: you should see the cycle example triangles in the correct colors but with _incorrect overlap_ NOTE: you should see that the tilt example looks decent (but slightly wrong) NOTE: you don't need the pdf yet
✨ HINT NDC (perspective-_incorrect_ color interpolation) would works like this (recall that homework where you dragged the colorful dot around inside the boundary of a triangle) perspective_incorrect_color = alpha_NDC * color_a + beta_NDC * color_b + gamma_NDC * color_c
- (5 pts) 🟢 (aside) set the fallback color to be V3(.5, .5, .5) + .5 * face_normal NOTE: the bunny should look fairly fabulous NOTE: face_normal here refers to triangle (a, b, c)'s unit normal vector (i happened to compute it in world coordinates) HINT: run this in release mode (--release) to make it a bit faster - (10 pts) 🟦 implement a working z bufffer NOTE: you may need the pdf that i shipped with the codebase (but can probably get away without using it) NOTE: you should see that the cycle example has correct overlap
💡 let's talk about that pdf real quick note: the pdf uses a different convention (z-axis points forward instead of -z-axis) this doesn't change the result of the derivation tl;dr: when the pdf author uses linear interpolation between two points, you can substitute barycentric interpolation
✨✨✨ EXPLANATION OF EQUATION 12 IN THE PDF say we want to color pixel (i, j). this pixel has position p_NDC in NDC (from the whole "double(i) / (S - 1) * 2 - 1" thing) how did we get here? well, we projected triangle (a, b, c) into NDC, and discovered that p_NDC is inside of triangle (a_NDC, b_NDC, c_NDC) in particular, we found that its NDC barycentric weights alpha_NDC, beta_NDC, gamma_NDC are all greater than 0 (i.e., it passed the inside-triange test we briefly went over earlier in the course) now, in addition to being the pixel position in NDC, p_NDC also corresponds to a point p _on the triangle_ (not a vertex, just a point p on the triangle) in principle, we could write this point in camera coordinates as p_camera (to cross-reference the pdf, p_camera is the point C = (X_t, Z_t)) note that we do not have p_camera :( we have a_camera, b_camera, c_camera, as well as a_NDC, b_NDC, c_NDC... but no p_camera 😥 wait, but why do we care about p_camera at all? well, what we really care about is p_camera.z (which i'll notate p_camera_z) this is the z-component of the point on the triangle we are currently drawing *in camera coordinates*); in the pdf, p_camera_z is Z_t p_camera_z would enable us to cleanly do depth buffering and clip planes, and also enable perspective-correct color interpolation the first punchline of the pdf is Equation 12, which says that we can compute p_camera.z, *using the NDC barycentric weights* in words, we barycentrically interpolate the _reciprocal_ of z_camera, and then take the reciprocal of that in pseudocode, we compute p_camera_z = 1. / (alpha_NDC * (1 / a_camera.z) + beta_NDC * (1 / b_camera.z) + gamma_NDC * (1 / c_camera.z)) assuming Equation 12 is in fact true, we have recovered p_camera_z! 🎉 bonus: implementing clip planes is now a one liner 🎉 but we didn't come here to talk about clip planes; we came to this exceptionally long, drawn out hint to talk about depth buffering let's assume p_camera_z is between our clip planes, i.e. in the range [renderer_f, renderer_n] note that renderer_f, renderer_n are NEGATIVE in our convention we want to map p_camera_z to "depth," which for us will should range from 0 to 255 (recall that depth_buffer.data is an array of unsigned char's) the specific map we want is [f, n] -> [255, 0] (since we initialize the depth buffer to full red) we can use the contents of depth_buffer.data to do depth testing

- (5 pts) 🟦 implement clip planes NOTE: you will likely need the pdf that i shipped with the codebase NOTE: you should check that scrubbing renderer_f and renderer_n clips properly - (5 pts) 🟦 perspective-correct color interpolation NOTE: you will _definitely_ need the pdf that i shipped with the codebase NOTE: the tilt example should look correct (the difference is a bit subtle) HINT: see Equation 16 of the pdf NOTE: Now, assuming all that was done perfectly... - (? pts) 🏴? (but with hints) clip triangles to the near plane NOTE: you may have to rewrite and refactor large parts of the app NOTE: the clip2 and clip1 examples should no longer be broken HINT: the triangle in clip2 will become 1 (different) triangle after clipping HINT: the triangle in clip1 will become 2 (different) triangles after clipping HINT: simon yeung's writeup
Thanks to learnopengl.com for making such a nice skybox available :)